
The Rachel Caldwell Chapter would like to extend a warm and open-ended invitation to visit us at one of our chapter meetings. Our chapter meets on the fourth Tuesday of the month for lunch, interesting programs, updates on DAR doings, excellent food, and good fellowship.

Programs are planned around the mission of the National Society – promotion of historic preservation, patriotism and education. Most meetings feature guest speakers who are diverse in interest and expertise and present programs on a wide variety of topics such as the titles below suggest:

  • Guilford County Schools Pet Therapy
  • The Servant Center, Greensboro, NC
  • “Digging into Your Ancestor’s Records”
  • “The Tomb of the Unknown Soldiers”
  • “She Named Me Bruce: A real WWII Love Story”
  • “Kernersville Museum DAR Grant”
  • “Rachel and David Caldwell – an Historical Perspective”
  • “Triad Honor Flight”
  • “Seeds with Stories- Old Salem Agriculturalist “
  • “A Visit from Lord Cornwallis”
  • “Keeping Their Stories Alive: WWII veterans from the Piedmont”
  • “My White House Years as A Nurse”
  • “Women Get the Vote!”
  • “My Mother was a WAC!”
  • “Crossnore School and Children’s Home Update”

Chapter members attend District V meetings, State Conference, and Continental Congress in Washington, D. C.


Daughters at their chapter meeting.


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non-DAR sites are not the responsibility of the NSDAR, the state organizations, or individual DAR chapters.