Mary Slocumb Chapter
Moores Creek battlefield tree


Mary Slocumb statue


Chapter History

The Mary Slocumb Chapter is the fourth oldest in North Carolina, having organized on October 1, 1903, with Mrs. George C. Goodman as organizing regent. The charter date is May 23, 1904.

Our members actively participate in the work of the DAR and uphold its ideals. Throughout the years, graves have been marked, and historical markers for Torrence’s Tavern and Crowfield Academy have been placed. A large plaque was placed in the vestibule of Centre Presbyterian Church in the Mount Mourne area of Mooresville, North Carolina, listing the names of the church members who were active participants in the American Revolution. The chapter has been instrumental in the 2006 organization of the Torrence Tavern Children of the American Revolution (C.A.R.) Society, with many grandchildren of current members participating.

Mary Hooks Slocumb

Our chapter was named for a heroine of the American Revolution, Mary Hooks Slocumb, who married Ezekiel Slocumb in 1775, when both were 18 years old. Ezekiel left Mary in charge of their farm and small child when he joined a light brigade to fight for freedom.

On the night of February 26, 1776, Mary dreamed that she saw a body wrapped in her husband’s guard cloak. She immediately dressed, saddled her horse, and rode in the direction that the brigade had traveled. By daybreak she had covered 30 miles.

Statue inscription

Near the Wilmington Road she heard cannons thundering and hurried to the battle scene. She quickly found her husband’s cloak wrapped around a soldier lying with the wounded — he was a stranger. She remained to nurse and care for these soldiers. Not finding Ezekiel, she asked where he was. They replied: “Where he ought to be, Madam, in pursuit of the enemy.” Ezekiel returned that day, bloodied and muddy but not seriously injured, and was surprised and proud to find his wife nursing those who had fallen. She returned home to the farm that evening, riding once again through the night. Mary and Ezekiel both survived the Revolution and lived to see the establishment of our new nation.

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